Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day4⎪ Dream body journey


Today, I wondered if what I was doing was really going to pay off. This is the wrong attitude. 

For someone like me who does believe in the Law Of Attraction and the power of thoughts, I shouldn't let doubt sneak inside my brain and cause irreparable damages to my goal of getting fit.

So, I started by working out. I did 20 minutes of intense fat burning work out. Then, 10 minutes of abs training and finished up with about 10 minutes stretching. 

But then, I wondered whether I wouldn't get tired of this regimen. That's at the very minute I saw Beyoncé's latest video "Love on top". I realized that the gorgeously curvy celeb used a lot of dancing in her videos with nice choreographies. That was my tadahh moment

"Why not trying to learn B-dance routines in her videos and get fit at the same time? It's just an idea. I got my 2 first trial videos ready: Love on top and Run the world (girls). So tomorrow, I'll do my morning workout. Then, when I'm finished working in the afternoon, I'll start studying the videos and try to re-create the moves. If I can achieve that, I'll certainly have more fun dancing and losing my loose areas, and turn them into harmoniously toned muscles while having fun doing it. That's the plan.

As for LOA, I have to quickly set a plan for visually creating what my goal is: what is the kind of ideal body I want for myself. One thing for sure, I cannot have my (old) body body. But, I'll have the ideal body for me right now!

Ok. For now, let me show you what I just had for dinner: grilled calamari, with crushed tomato sauce and a side of rice.

I actually was only able to eat half of the rice shown on the picture. 

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