Monday, December 24, 2012

Review of last year's resolutions: The miracle of the Law of Attraction

1960s - Hoover ad.
      Last year, I posted ten resolutions - promises I made to myself for 2012. Some, I thought, were quite challenging. So I actually had forgotten about it.

     I was cleaning my computer and going through old files, I fell upon that document and I'm amazed at what I have been able to accomplish. I can't stress enough the power of the positive thinking and the law of attraction. Once you put your mind into changing your life for the better, you undeniably start seeing tremendous changes in your life. As for my case, it's getting better, and better, and better....

Here's the list, with my own view on each specific item:

 Resolution 1: To love and accept myself, and really mean it – thus, understanding my beauty and my imperfections ; try to improve what needs improvement and whole-heartedly learn to appreciate the imperfections that cannot be changed
My comment: I had gone through tremendous changes in my life, some of which were hard to handle. Having had two babies had changed my body - despite the fact that noone around me told me I didn't look any different. When they said that, I used to think: "Yeah, I may not look any different, but I SEE all the difference". I didn't appreciate the beauty of my body changing and morphing into a woman's body rather than a teenager. In the past year, I've increased my practice of physical activity, taken more and more yoga classes and walked more. I enjoy my body, my new curves and what I used to see as imperfections.
* The big plus: Not only have I taken yoga classes and practiced yoga at home (sometimes, with a private yoga teacher), I've actually also organized yoga classes for women and those have been quite successful. I'm actually working on a calendar to have a set schedule for yoga classes from my institute with yoga instructors.

Resolution 2: To wear african fabric-made clothing.
My comment: More has to be done on that end, but, I think I've definitely included more ethnic fabric into my wardrobe in general and I'm starting to feel like I can incorporate western styles and make them just "clothes".

Resolution 3:  To stop spending so much money on hair and beauty products and start DIY my own beauty products and care.
My comment: Not only have I stopped completely using store-bought products (unless they are whole, all natural, organic and in bulk), but I've actually used everything that I've learned about ayurveda a while back and turned my conviction into a full activity: I have created my own "all natural ayurvedic skin care line", along with the first ayurvedic institute in French-speaking sub-saharan Africa.

Resolution 4  To document the evolution of my beauty regimen.
My comment: Yes, I have indeed been documented my beauty regimen. There have been ups and downs, but I've come to just accept my hair, my skin and my body better. I do daily abhyanga self-massages with oils adapted to my dosha. During the summer, I travelled quite a bit and, for the first time, I tried out a Brazilian individual hair extensions technique that apparently just came out a couple of years ago, using only silk thread. The process took more than 8 hours and I got really discouraged at about half way. But I must say that it was worth it. For someone with natural hair, dealing with the curls, the kink and the frizz while vacationing in Dubai, Corsica or Monaco would have just made my life miserable. But, and there is a BUT, though my hair grew, when I removed the extensions, I noticed that it was also thinner than before. The hair stylist I saw in Dubai a few weeks ago told me that it was totally normal and that I shall just continue to care for my hair the way I always do and it's going to get the volume back.

Resolution 5  To  be open to great opportunities professionally.
My comment: Opportunities have been flowing abundantly. That's all I can say. More to come in 2013 and the years to come, I'm sure.

Resolution 6  To  allow myself to succeed.
My comment: I come from a background and family where my mother, a beautifully striking woman, and a grand-mother of transcending beauty, have taught us to be humble and never outshine others so that we never attract negative feelings from friends and other acquaintances. That feeling has stuck on my for years. So much that I always avoided compliments, feeling uncomfortable when people looked at me because I never wanted to attract lust. Well, not that all that has changed much, but I do feel that there's nothing wrong with receiving a genuine compliment from time to time - without obsessing my image, of course. I'm talking about that because the same shave I have sometimes felt about beauty has made me also ashamed of outshining people I knew by fear of making them sad or envious.

Resolution 7  To be generous of my time and money (there are great charities or orphanages in every city of village, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of options).
My comment: I've joined several associations/organizations that are very active on the local level and I glad because, if there's one thing I've learned from my tiny experience is that when you give to others, the person who really is a winner is not that person, but YOU as a grateful smile is worth way more than any bag of rice, school books distributed or building renovated. So I thank every person that ever allowed me to come close to them and to help them.

Resolution 8  To always act according to what my instinct inspires me to do, and to always take into consideration the other people that are involved in the decision or its consequences.
My comment: Not only have I trusted myself more, but I've been able to step out fear whenever facing what others would consider to be a challenge or a crisis. Once I changed my way of reaction and even viewing problems, problems have almost stopped occuring. Now, I just see a sea of possibilities. Abundance is everywhere!

Resolution 9  Meditate more and more, better and better.
My comment: Improvement needs to be made on that part. I have tried many types but I must say that I have to practice more. Next year, I have an initial consultation with an MT practitioner. BUT, on angel work, I've done more and I'm getting more comfortable and less afraid. On energy healing, I'm doing more consultations and I am touching more and more people.

Resolution 10  By the end of the year, I want to be proud to be beautiful, grateful for the great life I have ; for the always-renewed live with my husband, and thankful to God for the gorgeous, clever, sensitive and generous kids we have.
My comment: AMEN is the only word that comes to my mind!

I am eternally grateful because after many years of searching for a path that suits me, regardless of others' expectations, I have the life I was meant to have. 
I often stop to pinch myself because I am blessed!

Best wishes for 2013 !

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