Last week-end, I was blessed enough to participate in my second event this year. I was able to show the whole Shreyas concept, and introduce Ayurveda to the Senegal.
There were participants from here, but I was pleasantly surprised to meet many that actually made the trip from the US.
The organizers offered a colorful calendar of workshops and seminars - with topics are relating to the "all natural" lifestyle. They talked about hair products, skincare regimen, yoga, alternative medecine.
I was asked to do a talk on ayurveda, but I felt I wasn't ready enough to do so, since I had so much to do on the logistical side with my "tent", that I had to decorate to truly represent what my concept spa boutique is about: simplicity, spirituality and beauty. As for hosting a seminar, it just wasn't the right time for me. And I was right, because, after returning from Dubai, I got so sick that even participating in the fair turned into a big "if". I wasn't sure I was going to make it, and I actually literally lost my voice and spoke like an old- smoked up Jazz singer the whole time. Thankfully, people were very understanding and I made great, wonderful people.
Now, I'm stuck in bed. Diagnosis from the MD: bronchitis, dehydration, work overload, flu, all that, mixed with my very own genetic "situation" called thalassemia - which makes my entire body ache!
So,.... coming back to the main topic of this post - which is that I'm supposed to be at YET another event this week-end. It will be the last of the season, but, since I'm actually part of the association organizing it, it would be a double ouch if I weren't able to make it. Letting my co-volunteers down and not being to display my Shreyas-baby to another audience, would really be a shame. So I'm doing my best to rest enough, to not speak, and pray that my body will be up for this challenge. The weather's not helping, but only a couple of weeks ago, I was complaining of it being too steamy hot. I supposed God answered my prayers, and it's now quite chilly.
To be continued.... if worst comes to worst, someone else will be handling my space. I sure hope not.
This is when the Law of Attraction has to show its unlimited powers. So, from now on, my mantra is: "Divine energy is taking possession of my body. I am in wonderful health!"
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