Wednesday, December 26, 2012

PRESCILLIA represents France @The Voice-Tokyo

Click on the link below to watch the video:

のどじまんザ!ワールド2012 冬 プレシリア - デイリーモーション動画

My sister!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy, so proud!  Please like the video on my FB page so she gets more votes!!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Memory lane: family pictures

I miss my family. Everyone is spread all around the world but in my heart, it's like things haven't changed. I'm still the capricious little girl I used to be, being spoiled by her great-grand mother and her grand-mother and the whole tribe of loving aunties!

I love you all and my heart, my spirit, my soul are right by your side.

From your daughter, niece, grand-daughter.

My grand-mother Emilienne Legalet in the center carrying my aunt Carole.
Clockwise from the center top: my mom, Josiane; then Nadine, Françoise, Eric and Rolande.
Ethnic heritage: Black mixed with Chinese, French, Greek, British 
(from before colonization all the way to the independance in 1960).
Our ethnicity: African
Country: Gabon

My second mom, my auntie Nadine - who left us last year in November.
I love her and miss her in a way words can't describe.

My mom and I, always looking for trouble in her purse and stuff.

Again, lovely mom Josiane. Imagine: she's as nice and generous as she is pretty!

My mom, posing somewhere in Paris.

Mom and I at home in Gabon.

Us, with my dad Charles. He actually passed away when I was very young.
I don't have a picture of my step-dad handy but I've been lucky to have been blessed with yet another wonderful human being 
and I am proud to be his daughter.

Review of last year's resolutions: The miracle of the Law of Attraction

1960s - Hoover ad.
      Last year, I posted ten resolutions - promises I made to myself for 2012. Some, I thought, were quite challenging. So I actually had forgotten about it.

     I was cleaning my computer and going through old files, I fell upon that document and I'm amazed at what I have been able to accomplish. I can't stress enough the power of the positive thinking and the law of attraction. Once you put your mind into changing your life for the better, you undeniably start seeing tremendous changes in your life. As for my case, it's getting better, and better, and better....

Here's the list, with my own view on each specific item:

 Resolution 1: To love and accept myself, and really mean it – thus, understanding my beauty and my imperfections ; try to improve what needs improvement and whole-heartedly learn to appreciate the imperfections that cannot be changed
My comment: I had gone through tremendous changes in my life, some of which were hard to handle. Having had two babies had changed my body - despite the fact that noone around me told me I didn't look any different. When they said that, I used to think: "Yeah, I may not look any different, but I SEE all the difference". I didn't appreciate the beauty of my body changing and morphing into a woman's body rather than a teenager. In the past year, I've increased my practice of physical activity, taken more and more yoga classes and walked more. I enjoy my body, my new curves and what I used to see as imperfections.
* The big plus: Not only have I taken yoga classes and practiced yoga at home (sometimes, with a private yoga teacher), I've actually also organized yoga classes for women and those have been quite successful. I'm actually working on a calendar to have a set schedule for yoga classes from my institute with yoga instructors.

Resolution 2: To wear african fabric-made clothing.
My comment: More has to be done on that end, but, I think I've definitely included more ethnic fabric into my wardrobe in general and I'm starting to feel like I can incorporate western styles and make them just "clothes".

Resolution 3:  To stop spending so much money on hair and beauty products and start DIY my own beauty products and care.
My comment: Not only have I stopped completely using store-bought products (unless they are whole, all natural, organic and in bulk), but I've actually used everything that I've learned about ayurveda a while back and turned my conviction into a full activity: I have created my own "all natural ayurvedic skin care line", along with the first ayurvedic institute in French-speaking sub-saharan Africa.

Resolution 4  To document the evolution of my beauty regimen.
My comment: Yes, I have indeed been documented my beauty regimen. There have been ups and downs, but I've come to just accept my hair, my skin and my body better. I do daily abhyanga self-massages with oils adapted to my dosha. During the summer, I travelled quite a bit and, for the first time, I tried out a Brazilian individual hair extensions technique that apparently just came out a couple of years ago, using only silk thread. The process took more than 8 hours and I got really discouraged at about half way. But I must say that it was worth it. For someone with natural hair, dealing with the curls, the kink and the frizz while vacationing in Dubai, Corsica or Monaco would have just made my life miserable. But, and there is a BUT, though my hair grew, when I removed the extensions, I noticed that it was also thinner than before. The hair stylist I saw in Dubai a few weeks ago told me that it was totally normal and that I shall just continue to care for my hair the way I always do and it's going to get the volume back.

Resolution 5  To  be open to great opportunities professionally.
My comment: Opportunities have been flowing abundantly. That's all I can say. More to come in 2013 and the years to come, I'm sure.

Resolution 6  To  allow myself to succeed.
My comment: I come from a background and family where my mother, a beautifully striking woman, and a grand-mother of transcending beauty, have taught us to be humble and never outshine others so that we never attract negative feelings from friends and other acquaintances. That feeling has stuck on my for years. So much that I always avoided compliments, feeling uncomfortable when people looked at me because I never wanted to attract lust. Well, not that all that has changed much, but I do feel that there's nothing wrong with receiving a genuine compliment from time to time - without obsessing my image, of course. I'm talking about that because the same shave I have sometimes felt about beauty has made me also ashamed of outshining people I knew by fear of making them sad or envious.

Resolution 7  To be generous of my time and money (there are great charities or orphanages in every city of village, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of options).
My comment: I've joined several associations/organizations that are very active on the local level and I glad because, if there's one thing I've learned from my tiny experience is that when you give to others, the person who really is a winner is not that person, but YOU as a grateful smile is worth way more than any bag of rice, school books distributed or building renovated. So I thank every person that ever allowed me to come close to them and to help them.

Resolution 8  To always act according to what my instinct inspires me to do, and to always take into consideration the other people that are involved in the decision or its consequences.
My comment: Not only have I trusted myself more, but I've been able to step out fear whenever facing what others would consider to be a challenge or a crisis. Once I changed my way of reaction and even viewing problems, problems have almost stopped occuring. Now, I just see a sea of possibilities. Abundance is everywhere!

Resolution 9  Meditate more and more, better and better.
My comment: Improvement needs to be made on that part. I have tried many types but I must say that I have to practice more. Next year, I have an initial consultation with an MT practitioner. BUT, on angel work, I've done more and I'm getting more comfortable and less afraid. On energy healing, I'm doing more consultations and I am touching more and more people.

Resolution 10  By the end of the year, I want to be proud to be beautiful, grateful for the great life I have ; for the always-renewed live with my husband, and thankful to God for the gorgeous, clever, sensitive and generous kids we have.
My comment: AMEN is the only word that comes to my mind!

I am eternally grateful because after many years of searching for a path that suits me, regardless of others' expectations, I have the life I was meant to have. 
I often stop to pinch myself because I am blessed!

Best wishes for 2013 !

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Ok.... I love caribbean Zouk music. So when it's from my country, why not indulge? :-)

A small country finally represented in the Miss World pageant 2013!

This is soooooo random! But I'm so happy to see that my country - for the second time EVER - has presented a national Miss to the Miss Universe Pageant.... this year it took place in Indonesia.

I actually know the girl - she participated in the Elite Model Look competition in 2010 - which I was the organizer. She definitely has a beauty that deserves attention. I hope she will go very far after this!

Congrats to the team of organizers, to the participants and to the Miss. For a small country like Gabon, it's definitely a big step into the world.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 2: Detox: My Lunch

Today's crazy with work: A few orders of jewelry, plus I'm making and packaging the products from my skincare line Shreyas.

Anyway, I just wanted to continue on yesterday's post on my little pre-holiday detox so that my body doesn't get overwhelmed by the mountainous and diverse food it's going to have digest in the next couple of weeks or so.

Again, no breakfast this morning. Just some encoded water, plenty.

For lunch, here's what I had: It's a kapha-pitta balancing meal. Though I'm a vata-pitta, I've been suffering kapha-pitta excess recently, from exhaustion, traveling, working and not taking care of myself overall. That included: tons of respiratory allergies, acne and other skin inflammation, hair thinning... Bad! But as part of my new year resolutions, I've definitely included "Taking care and cherish myself". In order to take care of others, I most certainly make time for myself.

What is is: Stewed eggplant, with ginger, garlic, roasted sesame seeds. With cumin, fenugreek, fennel seeds. At the end, I added a little bit of coconut milk and minced green onions. The whole thing, served over reallllly crushed white rice.

I'm so busy that I don't see hours go by and no craving so far so, as long as I keep away from temptation, I shall be ok.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Shamballa Bracelets: The history behind the word

Although most people see the Shamballa bracelet as just another fad, they do share a deeper significant meaning and history than one might expect. Shamballa is actually a mythical kingdom that Tibetan Buddhist believe in. It is supposed to be a symbol of enlightenment, peace, and perfection. The myth says it is located deep within Asia and is exceedingly difficult to locate. Today it is culturally tied into meditation.

The word Shamballa itself refers to channeling divine energy of the Source and unconditional love. Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (MDH) is a system of high-frequency energies that activate and expand conscious awareness and accelerate personal growth. Through Shamballa MDH, one can release his emotional patterns and beliefs, and replace them with unconditional love and freedom. This exchange can activate a journey of reclaiming one's true self, while embracing a life of joy, harmony, peace, self-mastery and love.

Shamballa MDH gives you tools to step into your power and create magnificent life you long to live. You can learn to love yourself, while remembering - and allowing - your innate knowingness of your connection to Mother-Father God and all of creation.

The energies of Shamballa are passed through activations, which were brought in during the mid-1990s by Englishman John Armitage, also known as Hari Baba. These activations were delivered to him by Multi-dimensional Master Germain, an ascended master.

Virtually every Shamballa bracelet is one hundred percent unique. Every color, design, and even the style of the bracelet have individual meanings. Although many people wear these beautiful bracelets just to be fashionable, it is safe to say there are countless people who still understand the meanings and wear them for spiritual reasons. 

However, as a fashion piece a Shamballa bracelet does make a powerful statement with its unique stunning beauty and bohemian and hip hop vibe. They are made from a cord that is tied in special knots based from macramé. They are woven, braided, and knotted while incorporating specialized designs, stones, gems, and metals. Many colors can be used, but most are seen in black and white. 

 They look amazing with a variety of outfits, come with matching necklaces, and are one of the few bracelets men can wear. 

On the spiritual side of things the specialized deigns, stones, gems, and metals are believed to have healing properties that are all natural and very effective. Many people use them for personal strength, and they are very popular in meditation. Most of all they are a symbol of oneness. 
It is the Kornerup brothers who accept the philosophies behind the Shamballa bracelets, and incorporate the Tibetan Buddhist beliefs into the spectacular designs that are now very fashionable. They first started in France and then expanded to New York, continuously growing into the massive giants that they today. Nevertheless, it is also popular to see handmade Shamballa bracelets as well.
Shamballa bracelets have more significance and philosophy than the average wearer understands. But, deep within the history and myth lies philosophies many still believe and follow faithfully today. Whether you are buying one to help you on your spiritual path, healing, and meditation, or if you are just stylish the right Shamballa bracelet is sure to satisfy your taste. Almost every single Shamballa bracelet has an individual look, and meaning, so there is bound to be one that make everybody happy.
To see the various designs handmade by Shreyas owner, and to order you very own custom-made Shamballa inspired bracelet, click here.
Source: The history of Shamballa taken from : + Official website of Shamballa MDH Foundation :

One week from Christmas - Detox!

Hello everyone

I woke up this morning, feeling out of breath. Allergies, probably. The past week has been hectic, in the marvelous of ways. A few wonderful ladies came to the institute on friday and saturday, which ended the week in a positive note. Two of them at my "Goddess Lakshmi" facial, made with 24K GOLD Jovees professional  high-end ayurvedic cosmetic line.  And they were actually delighted to have had that ritual.

I had been under the weather - the flu, dehydration, thalassemia, etc. It wasn't pretty. I got up with the hopes of having enough energy for my clients and my little girls' b-day party set for saturday afternoon.

From a logical calculation of 30% show-ups from the invitation cards we had the girls distribute at their school, we expected about a dozen kids to actually come. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. It was wonderful, hectic and a lot of fun. We were lucky to have over 30 boys and girls aged 3 to 4 y.old, all as diverse and fun in their background, behavior and opinions. By the time the party started, I felt like a wet (dirty) mop. As my girls were enthusiastically reviewing all the gifts they received, I couldn't help but falling asleep.... only to get up the next morning, awoken by the singing and playing of the princesses and their friend at 11AM.

* * * 
So, the point of this post was to talk about my decision to do a small detox before christmas. I'm expecting some sort of binging during the holidays. Plus, my body's aching and, from being sick to not being able to respect my ayurvedic lifestyle these days as my schedule is becoming more and more busy, purifying and strengthening seem the key to health. 

Just days from Christmas, today seems the best day to start.

This is my program:
- For breakfast: I had a tall glass of warm ginger-lemon water (as usual) to kick off my metabolism and stimulate digestion from a night's brew.
- No snack as I would usually have one at around 10AM.
- For lunch: A plate of ground fish balls w/sesame seeds, a side of quickly sautéed jumbo spinach leaves, a couple of steamed tortillas and ayurvedic cucumber raita salad. Yummy! 

I ate at noon. I can probably have a fruit this afternoon, but I won't be able to eat at least a couple of hours before taking my first dose of purge.  I'll tell you all about the process, how I feel, the recipes, etc.

So, see you in a few hours!