Thursday, May 17, 2012

Silk and satin lingerie

I have to tell you the story as prelude to this post.

I've been married for a few years now, and with two babies and a full-time job, I guess, I started to neglect myself a bit. When my honey and I first met, I used to go shopping for sexy lingerie, always in search of ways to spice up our intimate life. But having babies, as some of you already know, my self-esteem with regards to my body went way down and being the sexy kitten also went last to my personal "to do list".

The babygirls are now 3 and 2 y.old. Business is going well; I'm always looking for ideas of projects to keep myself busy and entertained. My own beauty regimen is also blooming. The idea of these PJs, half lingerie, half comfortable, came because I figured I needed to still make myself attractive to my teddy bear, while, at the same time, run after the girls to do this or that.

I've always loved fabric that feels luxurious to the skin. I used to wear yoga pants and a t-shirt to go to bed. So this outfit is my personal take on sexy pants that you can wear in the evening, when you're just lounging at home, or if friends come over, or even to do your everyday at-home yoga (in the appropriate fabric, of course).

The first day I put the ensemble on, as soon as my hubby reached the door step and saw me lounging on the sofa, watching tv, he just said: "Wow!". One syllable, one exclamation.... such power!

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